*For better unity help your community. New LPS Bolton*

Maheshbhai Patel (President)
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Membership Rules

Membership Rules April 2023


  1. Applications will be accepted by any persons of LPS origin as defined in the New LPS Bolton Constitution dated April 2023
  2. Any person wishing to apply for membership, who is not of LPS origin, will be classified as a ‘Social Member’. Social memberships will represent 10% of the total LPS membership.
  3. Annual membership fees will be due on 1 April of each year. The current fee for each member over the age of 18 years will be £10.00. Membership runs from 1 April to 31 March.
  4. Fees will be collected from 1 April and all members must ensure payment is made no later than 30 June. Fees will be taken by bank transfer in the first instance.
  5. Late payments after 30 June will only be accepted at the discretion of the Managing committee. Members who have not paid their fees by the due date wishing to partake in events can still do so by paying the appropriate ‘non member’ fee applicable (subject to availability).
  6. Members over the age of 80 years will be entitled to free membership. Members must be over the age of 80 years as at 1 April to qualify.
  7. Membership fees can be increased at the discretion of the Managing Committee. Should this be the case, members will be notified 12 months in advance of any increase by AGM/email/Whatsapp.
  8. Children over the age of 18 years living at home will be classed as part of a ‘family’ membership.
  9. Only children who have their own address will be classed as a separate membership. University/temporary addresses will be excluded and will be classed as at (8) above.
  10. New memberships will be taken from 1 April through to 30 September. Any memberships received during this period will expire on 31 March of the following year.
  11. Memberships received after 30 September will not be processed until 1 April of the following year. Any person wishing to partake in any event/activity organised by New LPS can do so by paying the appropriate ‘non member’ fee for the event (subject to availability).
  12. Members who have paid their fees will be entitled to attend any event as advertised by New LPS Bolton (subject to availability).
  13. Any event which is limited in attendance will be allocated on a ‘first come, first serve basis’. New LPS will take into consideration the date members fees were paid in the event of any member dispute regarding allocation of tickets.
  14. New LPS Bolton reserve the right to refuse/cancel a membership at any time. Paid membership fees will not be reimbursed.

Disclaimer: New LPS Bolton cannot accept any liability whatsoever for any loss or injury to any persons and/or to their personal equipment whilst engaging in any such events.






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